Tiger’s Eye Half Moon Carving

Tiger’s Eye Half Moon Carving

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Confidence - Willpower - Vitality. Carries the energies of a combination of Sun and Earth elements, making it a powerful stone of both grounding and energizing vibrations. Enhances focus and willpower, giving one the courage to step out of their comfort zone and take action to achieve their goals. Amplifies the energies of other crystals as well as one's intentions, making it a powerful manifestation tool.


*** As with any spiritual items, I supply the tools and you supply the energy. Results can not be guaranteed as they depend on your power, knowledge, and environment. The literature here is for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace the diagnosis or treatment of medical professionals. The information in this listing is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please do your own research and learn any precautions associated with any of the natural crystals.***